
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Matthew's birthday

Matthew's birthday always falls on spring break and we love that! I wanted to take a couple days off over spring break but I was only able to take one day so of course I chose his birthday! After I got off on Monday we both loaded up the car and headed home!! I had dinner with my family Monday night and he had dinner with his family.
Tuesday I woke up at regular time because my internal alarm clock doesn't stop working just because I have a day off but that was good because I went and picked Matthew up and we headed to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. There aren't many things as good as Cracker Barrel's breakfast! We stuffed our faces and had a good time. I LOVE a good conversation over breakfast.
We went back to his house and since it was 70 degrees we decided to get the enos out and put them up in his backyard. The weather was PERFECT and we had the perfect amount of shade and cool breeze :)
 Matthew and his cat, Macy in the eno!!
We met his mom and brothers for lunch at Pizza Hut and again, stuffed our faces!
After lunch Matthew, Nathan and I stopped by to see their grandmother, she so enjoyed seeing her boys!!
I had a surprise for Matthew that afternoon but didn't tell him until we were on the way. If you remember last year for his birthday I had it all planned out with clues I had given him throughout the day but mother nature stepped in and it rained ALL DAY LONG so we ended up seeing a movie.
Well this year I didn't have all the fun clues but we went to play miniature golf and we rode the go karts there. Matthew LOVES go karts and has a certain face we like to call his go kart or running face and he had it on the whole time we were riding them. The weather was perfect for mini golf and we hadn't been in forever so it was good to go!!
so handsome ;)
Matthew's dad grilled "daddy burgers" for dinner and they were SO GOOD and his mom made cheesecake!! Not just any cheesecake either...
That is 1 whole cheesecake but half of it is plain and the other half is chocolate chip with chocolate ganache!!!! It was SO GOOD!! Best birthday cake EVER.
The birthday boys were feelin 22...they sang that song all day lol

I love celebrating birthdays but I LOVE celebrating my man more!!


  1. Sounds like Matthew had a pretty amazing birthday! x

  2. I LOVE Cracker Barrel for breakfast!! Looks like an amazing birthday...I sang T. Swifts 22 song all day on my 22nd :)

  3. Just wondering if you have a bloglovin. since gfc doesn' work anymore I can't add you that way.


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