
Friday, October 9, 2015

October Goals

September was a good month! I feel like we got a lot accomplished, and I am so excited about October. October is always an exciting month and the beginning of the best three months! So many fun events and family gatherings towards the end of the year. I just love it!

1. Continue working on our apartment.
          - Putting up a shelf over the washer and dryer in laundry room (more                 storage!)
          - Style our accent tables
          - Plate wall (y'all I am SO excited about this I can't even stand it)
          - Decorate the wall behind our couch
          - Decorate the wall behind our bed
          - Decorate wall in the hallway
Although we didn't check all these off we did some other things. Like our table and chairs! We have kind of put a hold on the bigger decorating ideas because we really aren't sure how long we'll be in our apartment. Our lease is up after the new year so we don't want to put a ton of holes in our walls and have all these decorations that just fit this place. So we are just waiting for now.

2. No social media after we get into bed.
I would say we were some what better at this. If we are on our phones it's usually watching a YouTube video together or looking at a house together.

3. Do at least one chore a day.
We started off really good with this and then the end of the month got really busy.

4. All of the major cleaning and big loads of laundry finished by Thursday night. 

5. Show my support through actions.

6. Go on a date!
So fun!

- Clean out our closet and get our fall clothes out!

-Organize our kitchen cabinets

-Finish dining room chairs

-Get our mums from Cookeville and take pictures of all our fall decorations to blog about!

-Finish Wedding posts...hope y'all aren't tired of them yet ;)

-Go on a weekend trip (I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!)

-Try some new recipes

-Check some things off of our Fall Bucket List!

and just because this is one of my favorite pictures of us :)

Happy Friday, friends! :) 


  1. Sounds like y'all have a lot planned/a lot of goals for October! It'll be a great month! Have a great weekend :)

  2. I could never be tired of wedding posts! Bring them on ;)

    Happy Friday!

  3. I love wedding posts! Can't wait to see more!


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