
Wednesday, August 31, 2016


What were eating this week
I made Ruthie's fried chicken and rice on Monday night. I thought it was pretty decent but Matthew and my sister weren't big fans...I did use brown rice so next time I try it I will use white rice. Tacos last night...because taco Tuesday ;) and we are having pork tenderloin and spaghetti this week, too, and hopefully date night on Friday to kick off the long weekend!

What Im reminiscing about
Our Cookeville days...while living in Cookeville this was one of my absolute favorite times of the year. Classes are starting back up and the campus ministry that we were apart of was back in full force with activities literally almost every day. Definitely some of the best days of our lives!
What Im loving
Our new paint...the living room and dining room are completely finished and we are loving it! A freshly cut yard. When we first moved into our home we didn't have a lawnmower so we paid someone to cut our grass. Well we finally got a new one and it works GREAT! I love mowing and grew up helping my parents mow a lot so it's fun getting back out there and now mowing our own yard!

What weve been up to
Working, house projects, visiting family, and relaxing!

What Im dreading
Not really dreading anything right now! We're just trying to enjoy life to the fullest :)

What Im working on
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was working on a new little series for my blog...well I am almost finished and I am excited to share that, hopefully next week! Last week was a busy and stressful week so blogging just took a back seat, but I am hoping to share that next week. Woo hoo!

What Im excited about
There is so much to look forward to right now, and we are just really thankful. Fall coming up, cooler weather, and all the fun activities that come with fall. The holidays. Our anniversary cruise (!!!!), fun house projects, decorating for fall and then eventually the holidays, spending time with family and friends, a few weekend trips, and just spending time with my sweet husband!!

What Im watching/ reading
Matthew just finished Scrubs and we are looking into a new show to watch. Any suggestions? I was not a fan of Scrubs and really just don't want to watch another medical show. We've tossed around a couple of ideas, but haven't nailed anything down yet. I'm saving all my reading for our cruise!

What Im listening to
I love the Safe Haven soundtrack!

What Im wearing
Lots of tank tops with cardigans, recently! That way as soon as I get in my car I can take my cardigan off to keep from melting...and when I go on walks at work I just carry my cardigan with me so I'm not a sweaty mess when I walk back into work ;)

What Im doing this weekend
I am so excited about our long weekend coming up. Friday night we are having a date night and then Saturday morning I am making some pictures of a friend and her cute little family, then I am picking up my sisters for the weekend! They are coming back over to stay the weekend with us and I am very excited! I see lots of pool time, some house projects and maybe a happy hour Sonic run...or two ;) I am also decorating for fall this weekend!! Even though it will be in the 90's this weekend and next week I think it's a good time to break it all out. I decorated our apartment for fall last year over Labor Day weekend and it worked out great! These next few months are some of my FAVORITE months to decorate, and I am even more excited to decorate our very first house together! 

What Im looking forward to next month
Basically everything I just mentioned above lol! Also, next month is my birthday, my dad's birthday and Matthew's grandmother's birthday. Lots of celebrations going on!! We are having a birthday celebration for Matthew's grandmother to celebrate her 90th exciting!

What else is new
Matthew is having sinus surgery next week. Prayers for him and the doctors would be greatly appreciated!


  1. In our 3.5 years of marriage, the husband and I have watched (and loved!) the following TV shows - White Collar (probably our fave), Chuck, Suits, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Friends, and Psych. If you're looking for one just for you, I'd recommend Parenthood & Hart of Dixie :) The former is heavy and emotional (but soooo good!) and the latter is a little more lighthearted.

    1. HIMYM is our FAVORITE show! We've watched it all the way through at least 4 times now lol. I think Matthew has watched Chuck before and really liked it, and Parenthood is so good!! Thanks for the recommendations, we will definitely look at them!! :)

  2. So much goodness to look forward to!! Yay Anni cruise and excited to read your new bloggy series!! Praying for an easy surgery and quick healing. xo

  3. Prayers for the surgery and for Matthew's good health!

    I'm so impressed you mow the grass! I got stuck on that part of this post, ha ;) I've never used a lawn mower in my entire life. Crazy!

  4. I think I would love mowing, too! Friday Night Lights, Chuck and The Office are all favorites of mine to binge watch. And of course, Modern Family. I am with you on cardigans and tanks. I leave my sweater off in the mornings until I finally cool down in the building and then off it goes after work!

  5. I was never a big fan of scrubs either. You should totally watch Stranger Things, we just finished and we are obsessed!

  6. Prayers for an easy recovery for Matthew! Can't wait to see your new series! Shows: Friday Night Lights, Blue Bloods and Parenthood are all ones I think you would both really like if you haven't watched them yet.


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