
Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Hello, friends! I am really excited to start this series and share with all of you. I really love hosting events, with dinner parties being my favorite. Thankfully, my husband enjoys it just as much, and over the past year we have been fortunate enough to host quite a few dinner parties. With each dinner party I have learned a little more and I have finally found my groove with hosting and what works best for us, and I am excited to share that with y'all. When buying our home back in January our "must have list" included a dining room big enough for a long farmhouse table to seat everyone at, a decent size kitchen and living room to feed and seat everyone. Well, thankfully, our house that we bought ended up checking all three of those items off our list, and that's when we knew it was our home. But even before we bought our home I somehow talked Matthew into hosting a few events at our one bedroom apartment. We moved furniture around to accommodate a large number of friends and put up folding table to seat everyone. If there is a will then there is definitely a way! So if you have a small apartment or house don't let it stop you from hosting events at your home. Sometimes the best memories are made when you are all squished together and bumping elbows.  

I am going to break this little series up into a few posts so this post isn't extremely long. I'm going to walk you through each step that I take when it comes to planning dinner parties from beginning to end. I'll share with you what I have learned, what I wish I had known, and where I get my ideas and inspiration. From food ideas to the invitations that I create, I'll try my best to share it all. It may seem a little much at times, but it is what I enjoy and a great way to get creative.

Here is a breakdown of my posts that I have planned....

And now comes your part, what questions or specific things would you like to be covered? I am always open to suggestions and would love to make these posts as detailed as possible to help any other newlyweds and/or young wives trying to find their groove in hosting! 

This little series idea that I have been working on to share with you all came from Victoria's blog series that she did last year over hosting Thanksgiving. She did a great job, and although I'm not ready to host Thanksgiving myself, I loved reading her series. If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year I would highly recommend reading her series from last year. She shared everything you need to know about hosting Thanksgiving and some delicious recipes! I have had so many questions/emails asking many different things regarding hosting dinner parties so I thought I would put this series together to share with you all.


  1. You are totally the hostess with the mostess! :) I always love seeing the parties and dinners you've put together! We definitely look forward to the day we have a bigger space for better parties, but we still make it work now because it's still so much fun. Our Friendsgiving events are usually crammed elbow to elbow and thats okay for now ;)

  2. I love this idea! I can't wait to read more!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love this!! I want to hear all about your printables!

  5. You are the queen of hosting dinner parties! I love this series idea and look forward to reading your posts! Especially the decorating post, you always have the cutest decor!

  6. I love this and am so excited for this series!! I'd love to hear how you get all the food prepared and keep it hot - I feel like I'm stuck in the kitchen finishing up food and trying to keep it hot.

  7. first of all, I'm super excited I came across your blog today. second of all, I'm even more excited about this new series you are starting. I LOVE hosting but I am terrrrrrrrible! haha. I'm so looking forward to this!

  8. I am so excited about this series as I love the get togethers you post. You have a knack for hosting. I especially love the idea of a theme. Going to be fun and informative!!

  9. Sounds like a fun idea for series. Thanks for sharing on Creative K Kids #TastyTuesdays


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