
Friday, November 11, 2016


With respect, honor, and gratitude, thank you and Happy Veterans Day to all the men and women who have, and are still currently serving our nation. There will never be enough words to express our gratitude for your willingness to serve, and for the sacrifices you have made. It is because of you that freedom rings today.

- We are finally having our pictures made tomorrow for our Christmas cards!! Things just kept coming up and we had to keep rescheduling, but tomorrow is the day....yay. I already have our cards picked out, I just need to add the picture and then place my order.

- Target put their Christmas stuff out in the dollar section this week, and I have to say, compared to their fall stuff I was pretty disappointed!! They had a few cute pieces, but I was definitely hoping for more. Hopefully they'll add more as it gets closer to Christmas.

- Speaking of Christmas, I don't know what has gotten into me this year, but I have already started listening to Christmas music!!!! I seriously always wait to listen to Christmas music until the day of Thanksgiving, but for some reason this year I just couldn't wait. I don't even know who I am anymore. Who knows, I might just break out Home Alone this weekend...kidding, kind of ; )

- Reagan is 10 weeks old (as of yesterday) and Monday will mark a whole month of having her home with us. It honestly feels a lot longer than a month, in the best way, that is! The picture below is from right after we got her...I didn't realize how big she has gotten...excuse me while I go cry now. 

- We are THIS close to finishing our farmhouse table, and since Friendsgiving is in EIGHT days, I am determined for us to finish it this weekend!!

- The weather has been soooo nice lately! It finally feels like fall, cool and crisp mornings and nights- I'm loving it!! We have had the fire on a couple of times this year and I'm excited to use it even more!

- A couple of weeks I reached out to you all regarding our Christmas tree search, and a lot of you sent me tons of suggestions and some of you were even so kind to send me deals on them that different stores were running at that time. I can't tell you how thankful I was for you all and all your help, I really appreciated them all!! We actually ended up finding a really good deal on a tree on Amazon! Gotta love Amazon's deal of the day AND same day, free shipping!

- I go home everyday on my lunch break to take Reagan out and I always send Matthew a bunch of snaps of her and he loves them lol. He also gets a snap of his girls everyday ;)

I am in love with this clock, I am on the hunt for a good deal on one this size and style! I think it would look perfect in our living room.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! 


  1. Happy Friday! I am obsessed with your pup! So darn cute. I LOVE that you're going to have a farmhouse kitchen table #jealous. Can I come to Friendsgiving? Kidding...kind of.

  2. So many things to talk about... I am with you on the Target Christmas $1 section. I thought it was really slacking too! I can't wait to see your finished farm table AND your beautiful home decorated for Christmas!! So exciting! Also, your little Reagan looks like the CUTEST little ball of snuggles. And that clock! Gorgeous! Hope y'all have a fun weekend. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I started listen to Christmas music already, too! I am just really in the spirit way earlier than normal! Glad I am not the only one. :)

  4. I can't wait to see your pictures! Where are you ordering your cards from? I'm having trouble finding reasonably priced ones. That clock is so pretty and would look perfect in your house! And yes, I did the unthinkable too - I've been listening to Christmas music on and off now for the past few days... lol


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