
Monday, January 30, 2017


Every morning as I get ready Reagan plays with one of my shoes or one of her toys and then she gets tired of that and is ready to lay in my lap while I finish my makeup. I remembered to finally snap a picture and can't get over how cute she is!!

Saturday morning Matthew went to work and I headed to Murfreesboro to meet my best friends. We decided to go to Bell Buckle for some shopping and lunch. Bell Buckle is a very small, very adorable town, population is a little over 500 :) There are some cute antique shops and Bell Buckle Cafe. 
We had a delicious lunch and sat around talking for a couple of hours before heading back to Kathleen's house to hang out for a little bit. It was a fun morning with the girls and seeing Miss Molly! I had forgotten how good Bell Buckle Cafe was and told Matthew we needed to go there soon for a day date!

Once I got back home I straightened up a little bit around the house, and then Matthew got home from work and we decided to watch some Gilmore Girls, shocker there lol. After an episode of Gilmore Girls I decided to clean out our dresser and chest of drawers. I am moving right along on my organization challenge that I set for myself, and it feels so GOOD! We have another bag to take to Goodwill and got rid of a lot of clothes we don't wear anymore. Woo hoo for more drawer space!

Saturday night we decided to go to Chili's for dinner but the wait was too long so we went to Chic-fil-A and it was delicious! We were both kinda glad the wait at Chili's was too long because we haven't had Chic-fil-A in a long time. We came back home and cleaned the house a little before heading to bed.

Sunday morning Matthew's parents, my BIL, and his friend met us at church and then we headed back to our house for lunch. I made my favorite crock pot soup and thew some garlic toast in the oven. Made for an easy but delicious lunch! It was very cold Sunday and snowed off and one all day. After everyone left we headed upstairs to our room for a family nap! Reagan didn't complain one bit lol, girl was out as soon as we laid down. We watched more Gilmore Girls and napped off and on all afternoon, it was the perfect Sunday afternoon!

Later Sunday night I decided to clean out our bathroom cabinets and drawers. Again, Reagan thought she needed to sitting in my lap lol.
She sat there the whole time just chillin' and watching as I pulled everything out and went through it all. She is the definition of a lap dog, and I love it. Another bag full of stuff to throw away and completely organized cabinets and drawers make me a little too happy. Here are some before and afters taken on my iPhone, sorry for the awful lighting and quality!

Here is the before of my side
 And the after! The organizer in the back hold all my extras. If I see something on sale or a good deal I will stock up on it, so I just put all of that in there. the gray basket in the front left holds my hair dryer, curling wands and contacts. The back sea foam basket holds products that I don't use everyday such as: nail polish remover, lotions and other hair products. The front white basket holds all the stuff that I use daily, contact solution, face creams, toner, deodorant, hair spray, etc.

And here is the before of Matthew's side
and the after! The gray container on the back left hold his extras...body wash, shaving cream, etc. The right holds band aids, extra tooth paste, his razor parts, etc. The small middle basket holds all of our medicines (Tylenol, cough syrup, cough drops, sinus/allergy, etc.) and the white basket on the left holds all of his items that he uses daily, cologne, deodorant, tooth paste, hair brush, etc.  

I took the two middle drawers since Matthew doesn't really have anything else to put in them lol. So one is my nail polish drawer and the other is my makeup drawer.

The last weekend of January was a good one! I have been able to organize/purge so much in January and I definitely plan on continuing this challenge in February.


  1. What a lovely weekend!! Sunday naps are the best! Your organized bathroom sinks look amazing!!! Maybe I should add our linen closet to my list of clean outs... maybe lol Have a great week!

  2. Look like you had a productive weekend! I always plan to organize things but I get so side tracked and it takes me forever! Lol Please tell me your secret of how you got your husband to watch Gilmore Girls with you! My husband refuses!! Ha!

  3. So jealous of all your bathroom storage space!!! That little town sounds so cute - I love a good lunch spot and antiquing!


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