
Tuesday, May 23, 2017


I always love reading about how other bloggers met their husbands, and with the end of this month marking 7 years of togetherness with Matthew I thought it would be fun to share about how we met. 
We actually met when we were almost five years old. We played on the same coach pitch baseball team at the ball park in our town. We don't remember each other, but our parents do, and it's fun having this picture to look back on. Here is our team picture from that season.
We actually crossed paths almost every summer growing up when I would attend his church's VBS. My best friends also attended his church so I would go with them one week out of the summer every year, but it wasn't until spring of 2010 when we really met. 
February of 2010 my best friend invited me to start going to church with her on Wednesday nights. I knew a few people in the youth group there and got along with all of them very well. By time March rolled around I was finding my place in the youth group and starting to get to know more people at their church. Matthew's 18th birthday (March 11th) came and he and his twin brother invited the youth group to dinner one night. We all met at their house and piled in cars to go to the Mexican restaurant. For some reason, we still can't remember, I ended up in Matthew's car riding shotgun. Their birthday dinner was really fun and we all had a good time and when we all got back to their house we got our cars and headed out our separate ways, it was a school night so we all had to be home. I remember my best friend calling and asking if I liked Matthew, because we were kids in high school and that what you do when you're in high school, ha! Well with all the hustle of everyone trying to get their cars and go I forgot to give the boys their birthday card and 11 days later Matthew text me about it and the rest is history! Matthew told me later that he was really glad I forgot to give them their card because it gave him a reason to text me without seeming too obvious. He started coming to my softball games and then on May 29th, in my parents driveway, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

 Sweet sweet memories. 
Growing up in school and high school I had "boyfriends" but it was nothing more than sitting together at lunch or walking to classes together, so I'd like to think that Matthew was my first real boyfriend. And same for Matthew, I was his first real girlfriend! I have loved growing up and growing older with my sweet man. 

Here are some pictures of us from way back when ;)

This was from when we were in the "talking stage" he met us at the ball fields for one of my sisters games...aka just an excuse for us to hangout! Also, please notice his shirt, we ALL still get this biggest kick out of it lol.

May 29th, the day he asked me to be his girlfriend

Not sure why the date stamp shows February, but this was in the summer after one of my softball games.

After many, many years of attending VBS at his church, in 2010 we were finally dating. Funny story about VBS. Every year Matthew's church would hold VBS in late July, it was one of the last VBS's going on in town around that time and whenever it rolled around I knew that meant that summer was coming to an end and school would soon be starting up again. Every year since I was in the 4th or 5th grade I would go to their VBS, just with my best friends, and on the last night of VBS I would have my best friends over to spend the night and it was always our last big sleepover of the summer. My best friend's mom always took us all home each night after VBS was over. She was the church secretary and she always helped with cleanup after VBS each night so that meant that we got to stay later and we always played hide and seek...which meant that I was playing hide and seek almost every summer with my future husband and just didn't know it at the time. Sweet sweet memories. 

Again, I don't know why the date stamp was wrong but this was our one month together. The first year we were together we celebrated with a date night each month on or around the 29th, and you better believe I made sure to document each month...people were actually starting to expect our monthly picture on Facebook by the time the end of the year rolled around LOL.

This was the night before he left for college

And this was the day I got to go visit him for the first time and see his dorm!

Our first Christmas together

My high school graduation

I actually recapped our first four dating years at one point too!
You can also read our engagement story, here!

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  1. Seriously!!! Y'all are the cutest!! I love your story - it's soo sweet :) How neat y'all played on the same baseball team as kids. Loved reading this one :)

  2. Seriously, how cute is this? I LOVE that you guys were on the same team when you were little. I mean those pictures are so great. And then how you 'knew' each other all those years. Just such a great love story!

  3. Y'all are too stinking cute!


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