
Friday, January 19, 2018


It never fails, we always get snow after Christmas. I am still hopeful for a white Christmas one day though! We had our second snow of 2018 this past week, and it was definitely more than I expected. I ended up working from home on Tuesday and Wednesday- so grateful for that option! Reagan definitely enjoyed me working from home. She laid here all day while I worked.

They cancelled church Wednesday night and schools have been out all week and are out today as well- jealous of all my teacher friends right now! I was going a little stir crazy by Wednesday afternoon so I took Reagan on a walk, a very short walk because it was COLD.

I pulled myself together and put makeup and real clothes on yesterday and went into the office, and struggled getting our of our neighborhood. We have two hills in our neighborhood and the last one got me. I ended up sliding down it backwards at least twice before I was able to make it over, and it's not even a big hill, but it was definitely a solid sheet of ice! 

A couple of more snow pictures because I am obsessed.
When she first went out in the snow on Tuesday morning she stood around on the patio with one paw up at all times lol.
 I'm crazy, but look at those paw prints!!! Too cute.
 I think I heard that we ended up getting 3 inches of snow!

I made a delicious soup that I'll share next week, and some whole wheat waffles. I made two batches of the waffles so I could freeze the extras for a quick and easy breakfast over the next couple of weeks!

Matthew and I are obsessed with the show Parenthood. We watched it soon after we got married and recently just restarted it. I am currently swooning over this sign, it's the theme song from Parenthood and I just love the words.

Matthew has been out of town all week for work so I am counting down the minutes until he gets home this afternoon!!!!! 
Also, yesterday marked 2.5 years of being Matthew's wife. 
The sweetest title I've ever know. LOVE that husband of mine, so incredibly much. 

Happy weekend, friends!


  1. I'm loving the snow and jealous of teacher friends too! Schools here have been out all week as well. I love days working from home! They are productive and just so quiet. LOVE Parenthood & I love that song! On Netflix, if you watch it they switch the song to something else halfway through the series and it makes me so sad!

  2. Oh man, I bet you were stir crazy, especially with Matthew being out of town! Hope he gets in safe and y'all enjoy your weekend!

  3. Ahhh, if I slide down a hill, I would just turn around, haha! Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. Right in the middle of binge watching Parenthood, we went to Nashville & toured the Ryman. They had a Forever Young book in the gift shop that I had to buy. I LOVE that book!

  5. Whenever I see teacher friends get chunks of time off for snow, I always remind myself that they have to make a lot of those up when the weather is nice out, lol.


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