
Monday, January 22, 2018


I have never picked a word for the year before, but I decided to do that this year. I started thinking about this at the end of 2017 and honestly it didn't take me very long at all. 
So without further ado, my word for 2018 is.......

Why I picked this word: I feel like 2017 was a blur of a year, it wasn't a bad year by any means, but I feel like the second half of 2017 was a blur. A lot of good things happened and a lot of fun memories were made, that we are so thankful for, but there were times where I got really overwhelmed. I usually tend to have an optimistic personality, I can always find the positive in a difficult situation, but there were times where I let things get in the way. I am very grateful and love my new role at work, but it was a HUGE change and challenge at first. Most days it left me feeling defeated and by time I got home I was WORN out. I was putting all of my time and energy into work that I let all other areas of my life go. I am so incredibly thankful for Matthew, and how he didn't hesitate at all to pick up my slack during that time. Thankfully things started getting better towards the end of the year and I finally feel like I can do it, which I am so thankful for, because I truly love my job and the people I get to work alongside everyday! I know that it was just a season and that there will be more seasons like that, and I hope that in the future I can handle those seasons a little better if I am intentional with all aspects of my life. Also, my husband is an absolute rock star, just saying!

What I want to be intentional about: E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. EVERYTHING. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. But seriously, everything. My faith. My marriage. My relationship with my family and friends. Our finances. Giving. My health. My career. My time. I want to be intentional about it all.. Am I using my time to scroll on social media or am I investing into my marriage? Am I helping do my part with our finances or am I leaving it all up to Matthew? Am I going into the office ready to work or am I running late and forgetting something? Am I taking the time to prepare meals for the week for us or are we just grabbing fast food during the day for a quick lunch?

How I plan on being intentional
- Praying about my decisions, even the smaller ones, because sometimes those smaller decisions play a part in the bigger decisions.
- Planning ahead...finances, meal prep, time management, family events, dinners with friends, birthdays and anniversaries, etc.
- Making the time for the important things that matter most to us.
- Saying no to things that don't matter to us.

So there you have it, my word for the year. Here's to being intentional in 2018!


  1. I love your word! I want to be more intentional this year also in many areas. My small group encourages us to pick a word every year so this year I choose Seek- I want to seek Christ in everything.. the happy times, the hard times, the day to day, just everything. I can't wait to look back at the end of the year and see how my word plays out and hear about yours! Have a great week friend!

  2. Perfect!! I love this word. If we all sat back and looked at how we use our time, I bet we would be pretty surprised with how much of it is wasted on the unimportant things! Being intentional in marriage is so important and it's hard sometimes with all the distractions of life. I think this is a great goal for 2018!

  3. Ahhh such a great word for the year! I love everything that it means and what you want to work towards! It's awesome that Matthew was able to pick things up like that when stuff got tough for you. I always say teamwork makes the dream work!


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