
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Matthew and I were both very lucky and thankful to have a good bit of time off around the holidays this year. We took the week after Thanksgiving off and then some days before and after Christmas. My last day in the office was on December 18th, and I worked from home a couple of half days. So needless to say, today is going to be rough, getting back into the swing of things and back to our routine!

I am starting to realize that adult Christmas (and Thanksgiving!!) breaks are SO much better than when we were kids! There were a couple of days over Christmas break where I only got out of my pjs to shower and get into a new pair of pj's- the best feeling ever! We watched so many Christmas movies this year and I loved it. Here is a quick overview of our Christmas break...

I spent one day watching Christmas movies and making cinnamon rolls for our neighbors, family, and friends. I ended up making 2 batches of the Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls again and was able to give them to 19 families (we saved a pan for ourselves)!

This girly loved us being home so much.

One morning we went and watched the Pred's open practice. My BIL joined us. It was very cool, but sadly, it didn't last a long time, we only got to watch them practice for about 30 minutes. It was still a good time though!

I didn't do a Christmas home tour this year, but I did remember to snap a few pictures around the house. I LOVE our home decorated for Christmas, I wanted to spend every second at home that I could by the fire and Christmas tree. So cozy and relaxing!

We hosted my mom's birthday dinner again this year right before Christmas and we hosted my FIL's graduation dinner right before NYE!

Ellie and Reagan were hammin' it up for some cheese.

Sister pictures!

We went to church Christmas Eve morning and then back to our house to load everything up and get Reagan before we headed to my parent's house for the day! 

I surprised my dad with tickets to Tim Allen's comedy show that is coming to Nashville in April. He was so surprised and we are both excited for a father/daughter date to see Tim Allen!!

We spent Christmas Day with Matthew's family, and sadly I didn't make a single picture on Christmas day. We did finger foods this year on Christmas Day and it was so good!

We got back home the day after Christmas and finally got to do our Christmas together! Matthew got me a new luggage set and some other things and I got Matthew an away Pred's jersey and some other things.

We spent the rest of the day lounging around before packing up and heading out the next day to St. Louis, MO for the Pred's game. I'll post more on that later this week!

Butterfinger Reese's Cups are my FAV and Matthew had a bag in my stocking, such a fun surprise.

 Christmas wore Reagan OUT.

Christmas 2016 on the left and Christmas 2017 on the right...she has gotten so big!!
And that's a wrap on our Christmas break/Christmas festivities! I can't believe it is all over already. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year, and I am already on the countdown for Christmas 2018!! I stepped away from blogland over the holidays so I am excited to read and catch up on all of your blogs this week as I am getting back into the swing of everything!


  1. I saw you guys were in St. Louis! We totally should have met up - if come again, definitely send me an email! Sounds like Christmas was lovely, and I totally agree. Having a Christmas 'break' as an adult is the best!

  2. What a great Christmas!! So much fun y'all got to see both families and still do your own Christmas with a quick trip! Definitely wishing I was in my pj's still and not at work... lol

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas!! It is so nice to have a break from work!

  4. You all had a great Christmas! I need to give that cinnamon roll recipe a try! My in-laws ended up getting me that treadmill for Christmas :) Thanks for the recommendation!


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