
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


We had our first snow of 2018 over the weekend! It actually started later Friday afternoon and went through the night off and on. We didn't get much, just about half an inch or so, but it shut schools down and freaked everyone out, of course.

I laughed as I was walking to my car on Thursday afternoon because it was literally almost 70 and they had already salted the walkways and put this sign up in preparation for the snow/ice that was coming the following day. 
We did not leave our house at all on Friday and Saturday and it was SO nice and much needed before Matthew's busy season starts up. We lounged around Saturday, binge watched Parenthood (we've started it over because it's just that good!!), laundry, meal prepped for the week, cleaned a little, and I made our favorite soup for lunch. We had talked about going to see a movie on Saturday afternoon, but we were both just enjoying being around the house that we decided against it. We have tickets for a movie, so I'm sure we'll go soon!

My parents got me this neat little gadget for the kitchen and I am OBSESSED. I have been wanting something like this, but never found anything in a set like this. It also all fits in the container for simple storage. 

Sunday we finally got out of the house and went to church and out to lunch with some friends after. There was definitely still ice on our driveway because we kept slipping while trying to get in the car to go, it was hilarious, but thankfully we didn't fall, ha!

They are calling for more snow on Tuesday, so I am crossing my finger it does!


  1. We've gotten a bunch of snow here and it's so pretty! I love a good snow day :) We were out plowing and shoveling snow most of the weekend but we were just happy to be out playing in it! Now I'm ready for a cozy weekend with it before it melts :)

  2. So much fun and it seems like y'all got more snow this week!! The snow looks like a blast and being able to cozy up inside sounds wonderful :)


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