
Friday, October 5, 2018


Happy Friday! It has been a good week around here, some exciting news in our world....I finished an intense 20 week training program at work! So thankful to be officially done with training and for all the support I received from my new company over these past 20 weeks. Also, Matthew is so close to wrapping up his fall busy season and then it should be a lot slower for the rest of the year for him - woo hoo! Quick side note: with my new company and new role, my busy seasons will align with Matthew's busy seasons. That has it's pros and cons, but we will make it work! I'm happy that both of our non busy seasons will be at the same time!

| ONE | 
We are having fall pictures made this weekend and I am thrilled to have them done so early so that I can get Christmas cards ordered within the next few weeks. Getting those in early means I can get them addressed and out the door at a reasonable time! 
Matthew is wearing blue gingham, I have a burgundy sweater (fingers crossed I don't sweat through it lol) and I am hoping to find Reagan a gold bandana today! I love this color combination!

| TWO |
Reagan will sleep on the couch for hours and then wake up and be very hyper for a good 30 minutes before she's back to side sleeping on the couch. It's hilarious and we love when she brings us toys to play with her. She's the sweetest!
This is her winding down, but still wants to play phase...she just lays on or by her toy for a little bit lol

| THREE | 
Sweet Evelyn turned two weeks old yesterday and I got to get in some of the sweetest baby cuddles with her! 
Back in April, Sarah and I went with Kathleen to find out what she was having, as it was a surprise to Braden. After we found out Evelyn was a girl we went shopping for baby GIRL clothes. Kathleen had planned a surprise party for Braden's birthday later that week and his present was a box of pink baby girl clothes to reveal to him and the whole family the gender of their baby. I picked up the cutest onesie that said 'My aunt is my BFF' and Kat had Evelyn in that onesie yesterday - so fun to see her in it!

Pictures from back in April
 and pictures from last night!

| FOUR | 
If you are planning a trip to Disney soon be sure to get in touch with my sister-in-law, Christina! She is a travel agent for Dream Makers Travel and has a ton of experience and knowledge when it comes to all things Disney!

| FIVE | 

We are getting our mums and pumpkins this weekend and I am beyond thrilled! Although this week it really warmed back's close to the 90's today and it looks like it's going to stay warm until the middle of next week or so. Fingers crossed the cooler temps are coming soon!
Picture of last years mums, because they are just my favorite, also the cutest bumblebee.

Happy weekend!


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