
Thursday, April 14, 2016


I confess....this is a really late post! Matthew's dad is having surgery today, so we took off of work to be here at the hospital with his parents.

I confess....I am writing this post on my tablet....which I've never done before. Excuse any typos ;)

I confess....we are watching How I Met Your Mother...again. We love that show too much lol. Lily and Marshall are our favorites!

I confess....we are under 80 days until our girls trip to HHI, and these are my exact thoughts...

I confess....I just checked the weather for the next 15 days, and the lowest it's supposed to get (during the day) is 71!! Thank The Lord for warmer weather!!

I confess....since Matthew's health scare a few weeks ago I have had even more respect for nurses. They have a tough job, and there is no way I could ever do everything that they do!

I confess...Home Goods has been KILLIN' me with these blue and white vases recently. They get all the heart eyes.

I confess....I found my bridal photo album on my laptop the other night and got all emotional over my dress, again, and now I'm trying to think of a reason why I could wear my favorite dress again. Any suggestions? Taco Tuesday next week? Just kidding ;)

Happy Friday eve!!


  1. Hope your FIL's surgery went well!!! Sounds like y'all are going to have amazing weather! Loving your Homegoods finds! I feel like I need to redo our house now to have blue and white - also, those are my fav colors so I'm not sure why everything isn't already those colors lol

  2. My friends have a girls party once a year where they all wear their wedding dresses- they've even included their mom's and one grandmother. It's adorable and funny to see all the different styles!

  3. Haha yes please wear it to taco Tuesday! I want to put mine on again as well!

  4. How I Met Your Mother is so good-I could watch it over and over!

  5. Your wedding dress is gorgeous!! I love HIMYM too. I'm on season 1 right now and am hooked :)

    Edye //


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