
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


- I got my post in last Thursday but wasn't able to get my Friday post in. I mentioned on Thursday that my FIL was having surgery that day. Matthew and I took off from work that Thursday and Friday so that we could be there with his parents. I'm thrilled to say that the surgery could not have gone better...exact words from his doctor, and that he was actually able to come home late Sunday afternoon. So thankful everything went well and that he is recovering well!!

- Saturday morning we had Matthew's follow up appointment with an out patient neurologist. We were so glad they had Saturday appointments available. We were the first ones there so we were able to see the neurologist very quickly. Long story short, he thinks some of the tests/ultrasounds that Matthew had taken while he was in the hospital were bad readings....especially the one of his heart. So he wants Matthew to have a Transcranial Doppler ultrasound done. This is to check and see if there is a hole in his heart. Please keep him in your prayers as we figure out what is going on!

- Matthew's oldest brother came in for the weekend to see his dad and stayed with us. We left the hospital early on Saturday afternoon so his parents could get some rest and we all went back to our house and napped and then woke up and ordered pizza. We had a lazy night watching HIMYM and they played Xbox some. 

- On Sunday we picked up Matthew's parents dog, Murphy, from his mawmaw's house to take back home since his dad was being discharged that day. Murphy rode in our laps the whole way and loved looking out the window. Of course this snap chat filter was appropriate! 

- Matthew and I have been having some serious "steps competition" since we got our FitBits. It's so fun and I love that they are motivating us to be more active. Hello 7 flights of stairs at work!!!!

- My best friend's grandmother passed away the other night, so we are headed back home after work this afternoon for a few hours for her funeral.

- We made a quick stop in World Market the other day and I came across this pineapple display. Matthew had to quickly drag me away so I wouldn't start picking everything up to buy....seriously, so many cute things. Perfect for summer!! You can find some of those cute items here.

- Yesterday marked 9 months that we have been married. If we would have had a honeymoon baby it would have been born around this time of this month. LOL.

- This past Sunday and Monday was my grandfathers birthdays. My something old at our wedding was old pictures of my grandfathers. Since they couldn't be there this was the next best thing! I'd give anything for one more night of sitting in the carport listening to whippoorwills or sitting on papa's lap sharing an apple and ginger ale, but I'm thankful for the time I got with them and all the memories that we made as I was growing up. Happy birthday to both of my grandfathers.

And that's about it! The weather has been so nice, high 70's to low 80's with a light favorite kind of weather! 


  1. I LOVE the pineapple display!! Those would look so cute this summer!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. I wish I lived closer to a World Market! I find the cutest stuff there! I'm sure my husband and my bank account are very thankful the nearest one is an hour away. Lol.

  3. All of those pineapple things are so cute!!

  4. So glad the surgery went well but I can't believe they think the hospital tests were bad readings for Matthew!! I will keep him in my prayers. I can't wait to go see the pineapples - might try to run over there tomorrow ;)

  5. Love how you incorporated your grandfathers into your wedding. So lovely <333

    Edye //

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