
Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I still don't know how it's already May...or almost the middle of May. Beyond crazy to me!

Here are my April goals:

1.) Work on my office. Didn't even touch it! So a big fat no on this one. 

2.) Host our group of friends from Cookeville for the weekend. We did and we had the best time with everyone! You can read all about that weekend here. I love having our friends over and can't wait for our next dinner party!

3.) Yard Sale prep. Nope. We are hoping to get to that this Saturday morning!

4.) Become more active. I'm marking this one off halfway, because we have been attempting to become more active, I'm hoping this month we can get in a routine of walking every night after dinner! Our Fitbits have motivated us to walk more throughout the day to get our steps in lol.

5.) Find healthier meals to incorporate into our meal roundup. I wouldn't say that we have been eating really unhealthy, but we've been watching our portions and trying to eat more grilled meats! I've been taking salads for lunch and eating a lot of fruit.

6.) Keep my nails manicured. I didn't do too hot on this one either. We've been so busy I haven't really had time to sit down long enough to paint my nails and let them dry. 

I was able to cross off 3 out of 6 on my April goals. Not terrible, but I'm hoping to cross more off in May!

1. Work on my office. I am determined this will happen this month!! It will also help with goal #2! At least get it cleaned out and organized. Decorating it and getting to how I have

2. Yard sale prep. After we moved in we just kind put the rest of our totes in the 3rd guest bedroom which will serve as my office. I need to clean my office and make a pile of things we don't need anymore! I also need to go through other rooms and purge!

3. Create a 'House to-do list'. Matthew and I have an idea of what all we want done to the house and have talked about it multiple times, but we want to write it all down and then start getting estimates so we can know what to save for, and see what we can do ourselves. I'm really excited about this!

4. Video Tour. I really want to record a video tour of our house. Just as it is right now. I wish I would have done this before we moved in, but things moved so quickly! I want to always remember what it looked like before we start doing some changes and upgrades. I'm a sucker for before and after pictures so having a video will be even better. 

5. Landscaping. We have decided on holding off on planting much this year, but I want to tear out some bushes that we have. They are large and in charge....aaaand gotta go! I also want to find two planters to put on each side of our front door and plant something pretty in them. My dad just got us some peony bulbs and two small hostess plants to plant this year and I'm so excited about them. I've even had a dream about them the other night lol. 

6. Print pictures. This is goal will be one that will be done over time, but we at least want to get started on it. The only wedding pictures we have printed are the ones of us with our grandmothers, and we gave those to them as Christmas presents. So we want to get some wedding pictures printed, put in frames, and hung up! 


  1. Printing photos should've been on my goal list for the month, too! Shutterfly is always doing free prints! We have most of our wedding photos printed but not a ton of regular photos :) good luck on your goals in May girl! I think the video home tour is a fun one!

  2. Can't wait to see your house tour video!!! That's a great idea to make a video of it instead of just pictures

  3. I feel like I never have time to do my nails! I usually end up staying up really late to do them. And yes to the house video tour! That will be so fun!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. Looking forward to your house tour video! Great idea! I really need to print photos too. I've been wanting to make some albums now for over a year, this reminds me to get on it!

  5. Our house to-do list is ever growing - I'm wondering if there ever comes a day when there's not a project to do?! lol


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