
Wednesday, August 10, 2016


It's that time again, time for monthly goals! I was kinda sad to see July go to be honest, the end of our "wedding month" as I like to call it, and the end of summer schedules for almost everyone since school starts back around the beginning of August. Although I am getting a little more excited each day for fall...which is weird for me, since I would love for it to be summer 95% of the year lol. I think it's because I know that we will still have warm weather until late September/early October.

Here are my July goals:
1. Celebrate 365 days of sweet, sweet marriage with my handsome HUSBAND!
You can read all about how we celebrated 1 year of marriage in Cookeville/at home here!

2. Have 1 year anniversary pictures made. 
We did! I have only shared two on here, but the rest are coming tomorrow!

3. Do a 6 months update on being in our home.
Definitely didn't do this one, but working on it still!

4. Get a treadmill workout nailed down!
We are enjoying our treadmill and loving the fact that we don't have to run/walk in the heat and humidity!

5. Try 3 new recipes & share.
We tried three new ones, but I only shared one so far! No-Churn Vanilla Ice Cream.

6. Create a Christmas binder.
DONE! So glad I made one and I plan on sharing it soon! You can never be too prepared lol.

Nope. Too busy and then we started more painting this past weekend. Maybe this month??

1. Do video tour
I still definitely want to do this one so we can look back on it one day and see all the changes. Pictures are great but and actual video would be fun to do!

2. Do a 6 month update on being in our home.
I still want to do this one too!

3. Go through our guest bedroom closets and pull out all of the totes and decorations and organize it all. 
We moved in our home back in January so we just put all holiday decorations in guest bedroom closets. Well next month I'll be decorating for fall and then Christmas will follow shortly after that so I need to go through and organize all of that so it's not a big mess when it does come time to decorate!

4. Finish painting the whole downstairs of our home.
We are getting somewhat close to this and I would LOVE to finish the downstairs this month! So far we have the first coat on the kitchen, dining room, and the study, which I love, but we need to get the second coat on those and do the hallway, powder room, entryway, and living room!

5. Start Christmas shopping.
Not for everyone, but if I see a good deal on something I want to grab it!

6. Go to the pool a few more times this month!
I have used our neighborhood pool a good bit this summer, and LOVE it being less than two minutes from our house. I know they will more than likely close it after Labor Day Weekend so I need to take advantage of it this month!


  1. Great job on your July goals, girl! I can't wait to see the video tour! The anniversary photo with the frame is too stinkin cute! Caleb and I are hoping to get some photos of us done within the next couple of months. Can't wait!!!

  2. You did great on your goals in July, and August definitely sounds doable! Good luck!

  3. Yes on Christmas shopping! My problem is that once I buy it, I want to give it, lol.

    Also, you talk so sweetly about your husband - I like that. :-)

  4. Early Christmas shopping is the best!!! Love the sweet pic of you and your hubby <3

    Edye | Http://

  5. Yes, I can't wait to see a video tour! these are always so fun to watch!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  6. I def wanna see the video tour!!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away


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