
Monday, January 9, 2017


We ended up having a three day weekend and it was THE best. I was pretty sad to see it go, but I'm looking forward to a new week.

All day Thursday there was talk of snow, actually a few schools went on and closed early Thursday in preparation for it lol. We definitely blew it off, not expecting to get anything other than a dusting and woke up and got ready like normal Friday morning. Right before I left the house it started snowing, but it didn't look like it was going to do anything so I went on and headed to work. The closer I got to work to worse the roads got/visibility. I decided I was that close to work that I would just keep going and work for a few hours to get a few things done and then leave to get home before it got dark, because I knew it was going to be in the low 20's all day so once the sun went down everything would refreeze. My office is on a very large hill, but I have been told that they always salt it because there are so many offices on that road. Well, I got to the bottom of the hill and it was completely covered. I was still going to try it until I saw a large truck sliding down sideways so I just got out of the turning lane and headed straight back home. I passed six wrecks on the way home and took a huge sigh of relief when I made it back to our driveway.

Our neighborhood is always bad and there are hills in it, so that was a little tricky!

 Matthew worked from home and we enjoyed our snow day with Reagan! Ethan and Rachel came over that afternoon and ended up staying the night because the roads did get worse after dark. We spent the day by the fire watching TV and Matthew and Ethan worked on a coffee table they had been building all week. Rachel and I did make it out to the store that afternoon to pick up some stuff for one of my favorite soups for dinner that night.
Reagan's first snow! She HATES the rain, but loved the snow! She kept going to the door as soon as we brought her in and whining to go back out...girl didn't even care that it was freezing out!

When I watched the Gilmore Girls revival, Matthew joined me, even though he had no idea what was going on lol. Well I somehow talked him into starting back over at season 1 and he actually is enjoying it....and I thought I could not love that man anymore and then he goes and likes Gilmore Girls ;) So we woke up Saturday morning and binged watched Gilmore Girls for a few hours. Ethan and Rachel had to leave for a few hours that morning but ended up coming back over Saturday afternoon and we went to dinner and shopping! We had a gift card to At Home that we actually got last Christmas that we just kept forgetting about. Since we are determined to get things up on our walls this year we went there to look around to see what we could find. We went to BurgerFi first and it was just as good as I remembered, then on to At Home. At Home has so much stuff, I love that store! We ended up finding a clock for our living room! In this post I mentioned looking for one similar to the one I found at Bed Bath & Beyond, and I am happy to say that we found it and it was about $20 cheaper, and I liked this one better! Here is a picture that I took that night right after we hung it up, I'll get a better one soon and share. It is massive, we actually had to take it out of the box to get it to fit in the trunk of our car lol.

Sunday morning on the way to church it was absolutely FREEZING...8 degrees and sunny...I really only like 75 and sunny but oh well.

After church we decided to grab brunch at a new local place in town. It was really good and we're excited to go back for dinner there soon. We were back home and in our warm pjs by 11:00 Sunday morning with the fire going and Gilmore Girls playing lol. We may or may not have watched 6 hours of Gilmore Girls Sunday shame! I did get laundry done though lol.
Reagan enjoyed our cozy Sunday at home and took naps with us throughout the day!
At one point she kept whining for me to pick her up and once I did she stood on my shoulder like this for the longest time lol. No idea why, I guess this was comfortable for her!
 After church Sunday night we went to Blue Coast Burrito with Ethan and Rachel and then came back to our house and hung out for a little bit. 

So that was our weekend...see why I was sad to see it end? We have decided that snow days are even better when you're an adult! It'll be back up in the 60's by Wednesday so it looks like we won't be getting any snow days this week, sadly. 


  1. I love that picture of the frost on the window! I don't like snow days anymore because it's so stressful driving to work or deciding whether or not you should attempt to go in! haha

    1. YES! After that morning I decided to never attempt going in anymore lol. I'll just work from home those days!!

  2. Sounds like the perfect relaxing weekend! I wish we would get some more snow here soon, preferably on the weekend so I can really enjoy it. Jared says he'll try GG with me at some point and I think he'll love it too! Once they watch it they have to love how funny it is!!

  3. So glad you made it back home safely - those hills would make me so nervous. I can totally see why you were sad to see the weekend go - sounds like it was so fun with lots of best friend and relaxing time!

  4. That's crazy the roads were like that on Friday! So glad you made it home alright! Your weekend sounds so lovely! All of that snow was so beautiful! That's so funny Matthew is hooked on GG! We're the same way with Downton Abbey right now - Stephen didn't want to watch it and now he's suckered in ;) Have a great week!

  5. You are so lucky to have made it home safely on Friday! That road looked terrifying and I think I would have just given up driving and let someone come pick me up haha!! Birmingham was iced over like crazy but not here! Looks like you made the most out of your snowy/icy weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  6. My dog LIVES for the snow lol Glad you had a great unexpected 3 day weekend!


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