
Wednesday, February 22, 2017


ONE | What We're eating this week...
Funny, I posted that on Monday! You can see what we have meal planned for this week, here!

TWO | What I'm reminiscing about...
Our honeymoon and has been warmer the past couple of days here and it's making me excited for summer coming up and some trips we are wanting to take this year! Literally wanting to use my packing list that I made ASAP...I do believe I have the travel bug!

THREE | What I'm loving...
THIS diffuser. I love it so much I have one for at home and one for my desk at work, ha! 
It's the perfect size and I'm obsessed. 

FOUR | What we've been up to...
I went to Murfreesboro this past weekend and watched my sister's last basketball game and then had lunch with my mom and sisters, my dad was at work. Sunday we had lunch with my in-laws, and this week we have been working and going to bed somewhat early...woo hoo for early bed times!

FIVE | What I'm dreading...

SIX | What I'm working on...
Organizing our house...little by little, it is getting done and it feels great! I'm not following a specific schedule, just doing what I feel like, when I have the time.

SEVEN | What I'm excited about...
Matthew's birthday is next month and I have just about nailed down his birthday plans! I love celebrating him. And my new car! My dad works at Nissan so I am able to participate in the employee discount lease (which I am extremely grateful for!!) and my new car should be ready any week now. I am getting a Juke this time and I am so excited! Anyone drive a Juke? They are just the cutest!!

EIGHT | Watching I'm watching/reading...
We are almost finished with Gilmore Girls, which I'm really bummed about lol and I am almost finished with Emily Ley's book!

NINE | What I'm listening to...
Don't laugh...I'm still listening to The Sound of Music soundtrack...#noshame

TEN | What I'm wearing...
I have been able to wear a couple of short sleeved shirts this week (with a light jacket/rain jacket) because it has been so warm!

ELEVEN | What I'm doing this weekend...
Reagan is getting groomed bright and early Saturday morning- girl needs it bad! I am hoping to get on a 6 week schedule with her groomers! 

TWELVE | What I'm looking forward to next month...
Like I mentioned up there...Matthew's birthday, another month closer to summer (hello warm weather and pool time!), maybe a couple of new house projects??  And being another month closer to the end of Matthew's busy season! #Imarriedanaccountant #averyhandsomeaccountant 

THIRTEEN | What else is new...
We hung up some curtains in our dining room that I am in love with. I'll share them later this week or early next week, but all I have to say is...buffalo check is my new favorite. 


  1. I have been loving buffalo check, too - can't wait to see how the curtains look in the room!

  2. This warmer weather has been heavenly! I don't want it to ever go away!!! And this is officially the longest Jared and I have went without traveling anywhere- not even a weekend trip or anything. It's killing me lol

  3. Love the curtains! I'm getting tan buffalo check for the dining room! And can't wait to see how you celebrate Matthew's birthday next month! I know you'll plan something fun!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. I am seriously ready for a vacation and these warmer temps have been SUCH A TEASE!! Also, I love that you said you're dreading nothing :) such a positive gal!

  5. The warmer weather has me itching to go on a warm vacation also!!

  6. Love your new curtains - so cute!! So exciting you get to trade out your car - new cars are so exciting!! I'm ready for the beach with this warm weather... I don't know why we don't go more often lol

  7. We JUST got back from that resort in Mexico, we loved it! Great resort to go to with kids!


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