
Sunday, September 23, 2018


 I got to be a part of and witness one of the most incredible moments of my life, my best friend welcomed her precious daughter, Evelyn Kyndness, into this world at 12:40pm last Thursday afternoon.

See the baby shower I helped host for her a couple of months ago, here.

I'll back up to February of this year. I met my two best friends for dinner and Kathleen surprised us and told us she was pregnant and due in September. Needless to say we were shocked and beyond THRILLED. She also asked me if I would be in there with her and her husband during the delivery to make pictures....!!!!!! I was even more surprised and so honored that she would want me to be a part of a special moment, of course I said yes. We have been best friends since third grade, we've been in each other's weddings, been on vacation together, and we have done just about every step of life together. I am so thankful for her friendship!

On to last Thursday....she was induced bright and early at 5:00am and I arrived at the hospital around 6:30. Her family was there and I got started on taking pictures of details and we all hung out in her room chatting all morning. Around lunch I went down to the cafe with her brother to grab lunch when her husband called and said I needed to come back up to her room, she was fixing to start pushing. Thankfully I booked it back up there because Evelyn was here 25 minutes later!!!! 
Kathleen did so incredibly well and is a total rockstar. Her husband was right there encouraging her and after 20 minutes of pushing, their baby girl was here. 

9 lbs 5 oz. 21.75 inches and absolutely perfect in every way.

The prettiest sunrise on my drive to the hospital Thursday morning

Truly one of the sweetest moments and I have a ton of respect for all you mama's out there!

The rest of the day went by quickly and by late afternoon I got to hold her for the first time and on Friday night Matthew got to meet her and hold her too! Kathleen and Matthew grew up together as well, so it was a sweet moment for all. 

The prettiest sunset on my way home Thursday afternoon

We are so incredibly happy for our best friends and so incredibly thankful that Evelyn is here and HEALTHY!


  1. What a blessed day! Honestly I thought she was your sister at first because your best friend looks so much like you! :)

    I am sure that Evelyn will have a special "Aunt" in her life forever! :)

  2. Congrats to your friend on the birth of her baby. Love the baby's name! How neat that you got to be there with your friend during such a special moment.


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