Every since March 11, 2010 I have been crazy and I mean crazy about Matthew. I still remember sitting in spanish class and texting him for the very first time and wishing him a happy birthday (little did I know I would be wishing him happy birthdays in person from there on out). I remember that night going to his house for the first time and meeting up with everyone before going to dinner for his and his twin brothers (Nathan) birthday. There was a big group of us and and we all went outside to leave for dinner and I decided to ride in Matthew's car with him and a few of our friends. I sat in the back on the way there and on the way back to his house after dinner I rode up front and I must say that was one of my smarter decisions. ;) Keep in mind before that day I had hardly said a full sentence to Matthew but when I was riding up front and talking to him and laughing and singing along to the radio I knew it was something I wanted to do again and with him. I remember leaving his house that night and a girl that was there calling me and asking what was going on between me and Matthew and all I could do was blush and laugh. I remember smiling all the way home that night and not wanting it to end.
Fast forward 2 years, 4 months and 1 day and here we are today!
I sometime still can't believe he chose me. Everyday I wake up and I am amazed by how much he loves me. He is an amazing boyfriend and an even better christian and I love his heart and trust him with my life. Over the past 2 years I have watched him grow and mature into the man he is today and I couldn't be more proud of him. He has taught me to love and to be who I am today. I am blessed beyond belief and I won't ever take that for granted. Ever.
With my whole heart for my whole life, I love you Matthew.