What we're eating this week...
I cooked 5lbs of chicken in the crockpot on Monday for chicken tacos for dinner/lunches. I knew we would be grocery shopping for Thanksgiving so I didn't want to spend a lot on regular groceries, so I used the chicken we already had in the freezer.
What I'm reminiscing about...
I opened up my box of Christmas decorations last night to see what all we had to work with and saw my Christmas place mats I bought on sale last year for my apartment, and immediately started missing my little ole college apartment. I love our apartment we live in now so much, but sometimes I really miss my apartment in Cookeville.
What I'm loving...
This time of the year!! We went out the other night and got a few Christmas decorations that we were needing for this Saturday!
What we've been up to...
Busy, busy! Working on our Christmas cards (I will be sharing those with y'all next week!!), cleaning, and baking! I made 4 strawberry pies last night. It was the first time I have ever made a pie from scratch, including the pie crust!! Matthew encouraged me when I thought about just running to the store and buying store bought crusts lol and helped when I needed help. Love my sweet husband!
What I'm dreading...
Cold weather. Seriously, the older I get the more I hate the cold weather.
What I'm working on...
All things Christmas!!!!!!!!
What I'm excited about...
Celebrating our first big holidays as a married couple!!
What I'm watching/reading...
Fixer Upper!
What I'm listening to...
My Christmas playlists on Spotify!
What I'm wearing...
These pants, but not in this color, sadly. These are my favorite pants, ever.
They are from Gap, and they are 50% off right now! I bought mine at an outlet store on a huge sale weekend so I ended up buying one pair and getting the other pair free. So I definitely got every color they had available then lol. I love that I can wear them to work and even when I'm not at work!
What I'm doing this weekend...
DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS (!!!!!!!!!!!!!), watching the Egg Bowl and Predators game!
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Everything Christmas! It's the best time of the year :)
What else is new...
The new season of Fixer Upper comes on December 1st!
Bonus Question:
What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
Well seeing as this is our first married Christmas, we are going to make some!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
I hope you are able to spend it with family and friends :)