
Monday, December 23, 2013

2013 in review {Part 1}

2013 has been one crazy life changing year. I am thankful for how much has happened over the past twelve months. Every experience, every opportunity, every tear, every smile.
 Life is full and rich in joy.
We rang in the new year at my house with our best friends and played games
-I started blogging again and Stay Crafty My Friends got a makeover!
-I was transferred to a new location for my job at the bank
We celebrated our 3d Valentines together

We celebrated Matthew's 21st birthday
 and threw him and his brother a surprise party at our favorite Mexican restaurant

We took a trip to Memphis to tour UT Memphis for Nathan and Jenny and stopped a different fun places on the way
My sister went to her first DBS formal
-I told my parents I was moving out
I went on the spring retreat with the SOC to Mississippi
Our first roomie picture
My younger sister, Mady turned 16 and we had a Tiffany & Co. themed surprise party for her
We took a spontaneous three hour trip to Holiday World & I threw up in front of everyone
We celebrated 3 years together
I surprised Matthew for our anniversary with a backyard drive in
Matthew surprised me BIG time for our anniversary
-I went to my first Sounds game in Nashville
-We had our annual end of the school year girls night
-I found out I got a job in Cookeville
-I spent a week with my family at the Wilderness in the Smoky Mountains/Gatlinburg
-I moved to Cookeville and started my new job and Matthew met me at my door after my first day with these :)
and that's the first half of the year! I'll post the second half after Christmas!! :)
After I clock out at work today I will be headed HOME for SIX days!!!! My heart is so happy and I can't wait to finally be home for Christmas break like a normal college student.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
Praying for safe travels for everyone.
M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S

1 comment:

  1. I just started following your blog maybe a week ago, so I loved this post! I feel almost caught up! What a great idea, I love how you wrote this!


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