
Friday, April 1, 2016


We had some health scares with Matthew last week that continued in to the weekend and early part of this week that landed us a stay at the hospital for a night. Thankfully things are on the mend and praying it is all behind us! The blog took a backseat this week, but towards the end of the week I was able to catch up on all of my daily reads! I'll share more next week about everything, but we are SO grateful everything is getting better. Nothing like a health scare to really put things into perspective for you!

 I really really really really really....REALLY love this man.

I'll share our Easter and other week happenings next week! Hope y'all have a great weekend! :) 

Other "Friday No."


  1. thinking of you and matthew! hope everything is ok dear!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! So glad Matthew's alright!! I was noticing it was pretty quiet over here this week. Hope things keep getting better - I'll be praying :)

  3. Praying for y'all!! So sorry it's been such a hard week!

  4. Hello!!
    I am grateful to always nice blog message.
    "Welcome to Okayama in Okayama Prefecture of Japan from April 1 to June 30, the Land of Sunshine!
    Enjoy a side of Japan crafted specially for you. "It has been held.
    Please come by all means to play.
    Thank you so much.

  5. so glad to hear that he is doing well now. praying for you both and that it's nothing permanent

  6. I'm so thankful whatever was going on with Matthew seems to have passed. Praying for him today! I love the love you two share! :)


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