
Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Tomorrow is the first day of fall, so I thought it would be fun to recap our summer! We had a great summer, of course there were some ups and downs but we made the most of every situation. Now that we aren't in school, and we don't have any kids in school- summer started for us when May rolled around. The warmer temperatures and the pool in our neighborhood opening confirmed that very quickly!

We started May off with a Cinco de Mayo dinner at our house. Delicious food and hockey kept us  busy all night!

I shared our summer bucket list. Sadly we didn't get to cross everything off, but we still did a lot this summer!

We made a trip to Johnson City over Memorial Day Weekend and got to see my BIL & SIL! We also did our first Escape game while we were there!

We bought some new furniture, that we absolutely LOVE.

We hosted our first annual Summer Soiree, to officially kick off summer, and we had a blast with everyone! Hot dog bar and cornhole...can't get more "summerish" than that!

My parents adopted a new puppy, Ellie! We puppy sat for them a couple of times this fun and spiked our puppy fever!

We went night swimming a lot with our best friends, Ethan and Rachel!

I went on a girls trip with my best friends to Hilton Head and had the best time soaking up all that vitamin D and exploring new places! I also just realized I only recapped the first 2 days of our trip..oops!

We celebrated 4th of July in Murfreesboro with our families! 

My in-laws hosted a murder mystery dinner party that was absolutely incredible!

We hosted our Red, White, & Blue BBQ.

Celebrated the sweetest year of marriage in Cookeville, and recapped our 1st year of marriage!

We worked on our home projects, a lot! Painting, pulling out bushes, planting flowers, added some cuteness to our mailbox

Had my sisters over for the weekend a couple of times. Swimming and pizza making happened!

Sold our first table and chairs that we ever had. I will admit, it was a little more emotional than I thought lol. We spent our first dinners at home as husband and wife around that table and then spent a whole weekend giving it a makeover. I was a little sad to see it go!

We had my BIL and his girlfriend over for the weekend to help us do some house projects. We watched the Olympics and painted the weekend away! I shared the before and after of our dining room!

Had our 1 year anniversary pictures made!

Over Labor Day Weekend we painted our front door and love it, my sisters also spent the long weekend with us and we had a lot of fun!

And to end the summer, Matthew had sinus surgery! Recovery was rough, but I think we are starting to see the light! And we celebrated his grandmother's 90th birthday, my dad's 52nd birthday and my 24th birthday!

Our summer was full of fun summer activities, cookouts, spending time with family and friends, summer date nights, working on home projects, and much more. Now we are ready for fall and definitely some cooler weather. I shared our Fall bucket List here, and I am excited to start crossing things off with my man!


  1. You had such a full and fun summer - love the recap, might need to use this idea :) lol I am loving that dress from your anniversary pictures- stunning!!

  2. Y'all had such a fun summer!! Definitely a great first summer in your new house :)


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