
Monday, February 3, 2014

1 year blogging anniversary

February 1st marked my 1 year blog anniversary or rather blogaversary!
So much has happened over the past year, from celebrating Matthew's 21st birthday to taking a road trip to Memphis last spring break, to Matthew's first guest post, to our trip to Holiday World (where I puked in front of EVERYONE), to celebrating 3 years with Matthew, to one of the biggest life changing events thus far in my 21 years, moving out, to accepting a job in Cookeville, to sharing with y'all what Matthew's BIG surprise he did for our 3 year anniversary, to sharing with y'all how I surprise Matthew for our 3 year anniversary,  to my 1st post after I moved out, to my first day of class at Tennessee Tech, to celebrating my 21st birthday, to seeing Ben Rector in Nashville with my sister, to giving our apartment bathroom a complete makeover, to telling you all about the SOC, to dressing up as minions for Halloween, to our 1st annual Friendsgiving , to Matthew graduating with his Bachelor's degree from Tennessee Tech, to sharing mine and Matthew's goals for 2014, to Matthew accepting a GA position with Tech, to my 101 in 1001 post, to my precious (early) Valentine's Day gift from Matthew.
I actually started this blog back in June of 2012 but after a couple of posts I didn't really see a point in having one. I wasn't engaged or married, I wasn't expecting nor did I have any children. I was just your normal college student still living at home. Not really interesting, but last February I realized some changes in my life were about to happen and I wanted to document it all (still no fiancĂ© or babies).  In an attempt to get myself back on track I gave myself a challenge. Blog about something once a day that I love in February, I got the idea from one of my favorite bloggers over at Fifi Cheek and thus began my blog (again)!!
I thought people just had a blog and that was pretty much it I had no idea it was way more than that.
This is a blogging community and I love it! I have "met" so many wonderful ladies and I am always encouraged by each of them.
I remember reaching different little milestones with this blog from having my first reader to my first comment  to celebrating with an ice cream date with Matthew when I reached 50 readers and when I reached 100 readers? Mind. Blown.
I don't even feel like the same person I was when I started this whole blog! I absolutely LOVE going back and looking at previous blogs posts and seeing how different things are now compared to last year. 2013 was a life changing year for me and I am so thankful I blogged about it all so I can always go back and read it.
So I just want to say thank YOU. Thank you for reading and following along, thank you for your encouraging comments and not only on here but on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest as well. Thank you for your sweet emails, I read each one and each one puts a big smile on my face. 


  1. So exciting! Cheers to YOU, girlie!! Happy blogiversary!!! :)

  2. How exciting congratulations! As a newbie blogger over here I can't wait to celebrate something as cool as a year! :-)

  3. Your blog has grown so much in that one year! That's fantastic! Congrats and happy blog-anniversary!


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