
Wednesday, December 30, 2015


The turn from December to January always makes me a little sentimental and reflective, but even more so this year. What a HUGE year it was for me and for us. I think 2015 will always be a special year for us for more reasons than one and I'm so grateful that I have this (very public, ha!) journal of sorts to remember all the big things. I so wish I would have blogged more during our engagement days, but time just got away from me. 

2015 was a life-changing year (in the best way possible) to say the very least. From starting a new job, to gaining a new title (hello MRS. COATS ;) ), to moving to a new city, to a new (forever) roommate. 2015 has been the sweetest year. We were showered almost all year long with love and encouragement from our family and friends, and FINALLY, surrounded by the ones we love the most, we became husband and wife. The sweetest year y'all, the sweetest year. 


- We kicked off the new year by going to my first (and only) bridal show! I went with my mom and sister and two best friends and their moms! Kathleen was also a bride and we all had the best time!

- Matthew officially moved out of his apartment in Cookeville and started his big boy job at a firm in Nashville.

- I blogged my first Wedding Wednesday post.

- Set a wedding date and shared it on social media and on here!

- Apartment shopped and got the key to our first place!

- Started working out 4-5 times a week and got serious about my wedding diet.


- Asked my girls to be my bridesmaids and maid of honor.

- Got "iced" in my apartment for almost a whole week. Cookeville and towns near me were under a state of emergency. Scary times!!

- We bought furniture, Matthew moved in our apartment and the furniture we picked out delivered.



-Celebrated Matthew's 23rd birthday

- Asked my two youngest sisters to be my junior bridesmaids.

- Registered for our wedding


- Picked out our wedding flowers and my sister and best friend came to Cookeville and we went hiking at Bee Rock.


- Had my first bridal shower, my family shower.

Watched my best friends graduate from MTSU.

- Worked on wedding invitations and sent them out.

Come back tomorrow for part two! :) 


  1. No year beats wedding year! You'll cherish these posts to look back on for years and years!

  2. I loved reading this and seeing the excitement of planning a wedding! I remember when my entire life revolved around planning for the wedding and making sure we were at least close to budget haha! I wish I would have started blogging before I got married to record my thoughts during that time--it would be sweet to go back and read. Love that you did!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Your year has been amazing and they'll keep getting better and better!!

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