Saturday afternoon I went to a spring tea with Matthew's mom for his grandmother. She lives in an assisted living home and every year in the spring they have a spring tea for all the women there, and they get to invite female family members. This year was my fourth year going and I have really enjoyed them. I love seeing all the cute elderly ladies that live there get all excited and dressed up for it. All of the ladies that live there got to pick a rose out to take back with them to their room and she had me pick out which one I liked best. I chose pink because it matched my dress!
When I got to Matthew's house to meet his mom to go to the tea he told me we had a wedding present waiting for us to open...Our FIRST wedding present!!!!! How exciting!!!!!
We were so excited to open it that we didn't think about taking a picture so we went back and recreated opening our first present lol
The silverware we picked out! My aunt and uncle from Michigan sent them to us since they won't be able to make it down to the bridal shower, so sweet! We are so thankful for sweet and caring family members. What a fun first gift!! :)
Saturday night my family had our first cookout of the summer...there is nothing better than a good ole cookout with your family! Daddy grilled some delicious burgers and we had carrot cake for dessert...YUM!
Sunday after church I decided to run by Jimmy Johns and grab a salad wrap. I have been OBSESSED with these delicious things. SO good and SO much better for me than all that bread, even though Jimmy Johns has some of the best bread...period. We are having our engagement pictures taken ONE week from this Sunday so no bread for me these next two weeks!
Anyways, while I was there I must have ran over something because as soon as I pulled into my driveway my tire pressure light came on and advised me of low tire pressure. That has happened before so I honestly didn't think anything of it until I parked on our patio and got out. That's when I heard it and saw it, the air was definitely leaking out...quickly.
I went inside to get my dad and he came out and put the spare tire on for me. So handy, seriously he knew exactly what to do- good thing because I had NO idea. They should teach that in high school or something.
After he put the spare tire on we looked on the old tire and found what I ran over...
We have no idea what that is other than a piece of sharp plastic...gross!
Daddy told me I couldn't go over 50 mph with the spare tire on. I didn't think it would be too hard until later that afternoon. We were on the way to church and we were on 840 which is a state hwy. The speed limit is 70. Matthew drove behind me with his flashers on but it was just too dangerous, and I knew it would be even worse driving on the actual interstate, at night, trying to get back to Cookeville. I called my mom and she met me and took my car and I took my dad's truck. He took my car to the shop on Monday morning for me so they could put a new tire on and I drove his truck and came home on Monday afternoon to switch back. I am so thankful for my parents!! They helped me a lot and I really appreciated it!!