Thursday, October 6, 2016


A few months ago I shared the image below on Instagram about how I was already starting to plan for Christmas in July with a Christmas binder I had just finished making.
I had a great response and even had quite a few emails from different readers asking for the prints so they could make their own Christmas binder. I got to playing around and revamped some of my prints and even added a few more, and I am going to share those with you today!

There are 17 total sheets (including FOUR different covers to pick from) that you can save and print to make your own binder. It's super simple, all you have to do is:
right click on the picture > click on "Save image as..." > click on save 
It will usually save automatically to your desktop or to your downloads folder, unless you choose another location. So easy and these are great quality prints!

Covers to choose from:
Option one:

Option 2 

Option 3 

Option 4 

Next up are the calendars (October - December)

Now for the gift planners

Immediate family

Extended family


Co-workers, Neighbors, Teachers, Other...

Christmas card address list. 

Menu Planner & Holiday Baking

Holiday Baking

 Menu Planner 

Online shopping tracker

To Do list

Christmas bucket list

I am really enjoying mine so far and it's a great way to plan for the holidays that are coming up.
 I used plain dividers that I already had on hand to organize my binder a little like a charm! I plan on saving my binder and just storing it away after Christmas until next year around this time, so that I can pull it out and get started planning again. I'll be able to reprint these pages and update my address list as needed, as well as some other pages!

 I hope these will help you stay organized this holiday season and get you in the Christmas spirit a little early!  


  1. Such a fun idea and what a great way to stay organized! Thank you for sharing. Excited about following your blog :) Beautifully Candid

  2. Darling! And, you are reminding me I need to organize our extended family's name drawing for X-mas present exchange :)

  3. you're so creative! thanks for linking this post up with Gretch and I.
    i use excel for my gift buying/planning. definitely not as pretty as a binder!

  4. Pretty excited about these printables! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh My Gosh I was just going to go on Pinterest and look for something like this! Thanks for saving me some time! :)

  6. You did such a good job on these!! You know I love Christmas & organization so this is just perfect :) You are so crafty with this stuff sweet friend, you need an Etsy shop!

  7. This is just the cutest thing ever!! I cannot wait for Christmas this year!!

  8. Love it girlfriend!! I keep track of all my Christmas stuff in an Excel file, but your binder is way more cute and fun!! :)

  9. I'm so inspired by your organization for Christmas! These printables will be so helpful when the season starts. I always find myself trying to remember what I spent on everyone last year or keeping track of all my recipes.

  10. I seriously adore this!! Gets me really excited 😊

  11. These are just adorable!! Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring! Happy Friday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  12. This is a great idea! I definitely need to be more organized this year so I might have to try this!

  13. This is amazing!! So glad I found it - I can't wait to print it off and start planning :) Thank you!

  14. I love this idea of a Christmas binder! Jess at Just Jess

  15. Such a cute idea!! I always make lists on random scraps of this is just what I need!!

  16. Hey there! Oh my goodness this post is so great for me, I am printing away! Thank you for linking up today too, I hope you have a great Tuesday!


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