Matthew and I took the week after Thanksgiving off again this year. Last year we went on our first
cruise, and this year we decided to stay home and have a staycation. We didn't have anything planned, other than a meeting with our financial advisor, the whole week and it was glorious.
We didn't set an alarm all week, had slow mornings, ate breakfast together every day, napped, watched cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, Christmas shopped, did a few things around the house, and just r-e-l-a-x-e-d. The weather was also
really nice, mid to high 60's all week.

Monday we slept in, finished unpacking our bags and did laundry from our Thanksgiving travels, watched a couple of Christmas movies, finished decorating for Christmas, and that afternoon we decided to go on a date. Dinner and Home Depot to purchase new toilets...homeowner date nights ;)
Last year after Christmas I found this white Christmas tree and the blue and silver ornaments at Wal-Mart for over half off and snatched them up. I thought this color combination would be perfect for our coastal themed guest bedroom. I love how it looks and it's even prettier at night!
The cutest helper...who slept on the bed while I put it up and decorated it.
Sweet girl curled up next to me later that day, snoozin' away.
Such a good movie!!
Tuesday we took Reagan to the groomer and came back to the house and got started on cleaning out our garage. We cleaned it out on Memorial Day Weekend, but it needed it again. Matthew also finished putting our new workout machine together in the garage and we are excited to start using it!
We ended up making three trips to the dump to throw stuff out and one big trip to Goodwill to donate. We took everything out of the garage, swept and vacuumed, wiped stuff down, and organized.
Love a clean and organized space!
You can see our new toilets we purchased and waiting to be installed in our garage lol.
Our new workout machine! Matthew did such a good job putting it together.
We spent the rest of the day on the couch popping Tylenol because we were sore from all the lifting and moving stuff around...old people.
Reagan was clearly worn out from the day as well
Wednesday we had a meeting with our financial advisor, it was in the middle of the day, so we didn't do much before. Since the weather was still nice, I read on the back patio while Reagan played (and laid in my lap).

After our meeting we spent the afternoon watching Christmas movies and doing stuff around the house. I worked on Christmas cards that night after church.
Pioneer Woman + working on Christmas cards...the best!
Thursday I finished decorating our big tree in the entryway and we put all the Christmas boxes up.
Reagan's favorite spot to nap
We went on a mid-day lunch date, which was fun, to Salsarita's! And that afternoon my sister came over and we went to our favorites...Jeni's ice cream and Target.
Friday we watched more Christmas movies ;) and then decided to clean out our closet and go through all of our chest of drawers. We have a couple of big bags to donate and now we have room and things aren't crammed into drawers!!
It was a little cooler that day so we didn't stay outside too long.
That night we met my family for dinner at Chick-fil-A and to pick up my youngest sister. She was coming to stay the night with us! She wanted me to teach her how to do her make up and we did face masks after. She loved the charcoal mask!
Saturday we went to Five Daughters Bakery for breakfast and then did a little Christmas shopping.
I forgot to take a picture of all of our donuts before we ate them, but I remembered to snap one of mine. I got the vanilla bean and it was delicious!
I finished our Christmas cards that afternoon and made some red velvet cookies to take to the Christmas party with our church group. We dropped my sister off and then headed to the party. It was a fun night and we had delicious food! We played dirty santa, pictionary, and a couple of other games.
We had a great week off and really enjoyed the down time and our time together! It was rough going back to work last week after having such a great week off, (which explains my lack of blog posts last week, ha) but we're looking forward to more time off around Christmas in a couple of weeks!!