Monday, August 26, 2013

10 years later...

H A P P Y   M O N D A Y
Today my little sister, Samantha, turns 10 years old.
I can't believe she is 10 y'all!! I remember the day she was born.
My parents let me help pick out her name and around the time she was born I had just gotten my first American Girl doll, Samantha. Do y'all remember those? I was obsessed and had every book.
I loved that name so much I mentioned it to my parents and they immediately fell in love with it too.
So that's how ole Sammy Jo got her name!
 (glasses, braces, awful hair shame)




Sammy Jo, I hope you have a great birthday!! I am so proud of the sweet young lil lady you are becoming!
Did y'all watch the VMA's last night? Well if you are following me on Twitter or Instagram sorry about that last night, ha! I guess you could say I love NSYNC a little...
I relived my childhood for about 50 seconds last night...I was pretty disappointed with them only performing for a short time but hopefully this is just a preview of what's to come for them!!
I still have their CD's, lunchbox and posters somewhere up in our attic.
& Miley Cyrus...
y'all she needs Jesus.


  1. aww so sweet! My baby sister started high school this year, I can't believe it!

    I am So sad I missed Nsync!

  2. Aww she is SUCH a cutie!! Happy birthday to her! Yes, Miley needs Jesus! Along with all those other celebrities ha

  3. I didn't watch last night...I watched 2 recaps because I heard a TON about them...1.) NSYNC and 2.) Miley....basically I wasted 2 minutes of my life watching Miley (and yes, she does need Jesus....) but NSYNC was a blast from the past to watch. Perhaps they'll get together again for another album after all the attention they got last night :) just mayyyybe

  4. Miley needs something, that's for sure! I'm glad I only watch the 10 second NSYNC reunion (totally NOT long enough!) so I missed the trash that was before it. These performers need to understand that they are role models for the younger generation and not to act like such tramps! I'm digusted. But I LOVED the NYSYNC reunion, I felt like a 11 year old again :).

  5. Haha she DOES need Jesus! Happy birthday to your little sister! My name is Samantha and I loooooved my Samantha doll :)

  6. I couldn't agree more about the last statement on the post. Poor, poor girl! I was covering my eyes and I'm 22! Ha! What happened to sweet little Hannah Montana?! JT rocked it though :)

  7. I thought I had already commented on this. Opps!

    Haahahahaha, I snorted water out of my nose when I read your last comment. But it's true! Miley needs serious, serious help.

    Happy birthday to your little sister!!


Your comments always make my day!